
To be sure. I think television is the awfulest thing in the world. But of late, I've discovered this series called, "Angel." Yeah, it's about vampires. I never watched "Buffy." But this show is brilliant! And, as I told a friend recently, (you know who you are!) I don't usually use the terms TV and BRILLIANT in the same sentence.

When I was young, I watched soap operas. I was addicted enough to them that, at the age of 23, I was finding myself saying things like, "OH~ I have to go home and watch my show!" Yeah. So I nipped that in the fuckin bud! I can't be organizing my social life with REAL people around the FAKE ones.

But a few months ago, I was in a position to watch this show, almost against my will, every fucking morning. For two hours! And I became quite addicted. So I'm here to say that the show is brilliant! :)


Gary said...

I haven't seen Angel, but I did watch Buffy a few times and thought it was a very well done show.

Wolfe said...

I resisted -- for years -- being drawn into the whole buffy rubbish. But Joss Whedon -- the creator of the Buffy and Angel series -- is an excellent writer who is surpassingly good at dialogue.

He tends to tune every script for his shows.

I never got into Angel (eww for that sudden image), but loved Whedon's short-lived series "Firefly".

As Gary mentions, Buffy's good, and I also recommend checking out "Veronica Mars" if you like faintly noir, character-based, female-centered (though not annoyingly feminist) drama.


Dizzie said...

I never watched Buffy either, because there was something about that show I simply couldn't stomach.

But Angel... I was, like you, in a position where I could see it almost daily for a few weeks, and I got so sucked into it, I actually got mad at the TV company when they moved it!

You know you've lost it when you yell at the TV for not showing what you want to watch... *sigh*

Ian said...

Ditto what Wolfe said. I love me some Firefly, although i never got into the whole Buffy thing.
