Here are the questions the Gunfighter sent me, along with my answers:
You like to swim every day... has that been a habit throughout your adult life? or is it a new-found favorite form of exercise? Are you a lap swimmer? or do you just have a set amount of time that you spend in the water?
I don’t like to swim, I LOVE to swim! :) When I left my husband, I moved into a guest house on a large property. There was an enclosed swimming pool on the property, as well. It was full of warm, salt water and I can’t possibly describe the soothing wellness this water offered. I would swim at night sometimes, but one day, I decided to swim before I went to work. I found this to be both meditational and exhilarating. Like a supercharge for the day. Letting that warmth envelope me as I stepped in. Beginning the slow, decided movements through the placid water and building up to a full lap swim, releasing those precious endorphins and giving my heart and body the exercise it craved. I used to take aerobic classes every day, and then taught for awhile. One day, my lower back decided it was time to stop. (I attribute this almost entirely to the epidural I had while giving birth to the third child.) The swim proved to be the perfect way to fulfill many needs in my life and still does so. I swim laps, without stopping, for twenty minutes at least four days a week.
During that time, I also fell in love with the moon, because she watched over me and bathed me in her light whenever I was outdoors. And as you know, I was fairly starved for the light. So the water became my sister that warmed me and the moon became my mother that fed me. And my bed became my resting place. People would ask me if it was hard sleeping alone after being married for eighteen years. I answered, “I much prefer sleeping alone to sleeping with someone and being lonely!” I’ve never felt alone since the day I left him. (After all, I now had the water, and the moon, and my bed!)
You mention in your blog that you were a military dependent for 27 years... was that because you were married to a military man? Were one or both of your parents military? Or was it a combination of those things? Where did your military life take you (geographically)?
My father was a pilot in the Air Force. My parents had four girls. I was born third in line in Kansas, moved to Arkansas, Alabama, Oklahoma and South Carolina all before I was four years old. Then we went to Japan for three years. I loved it there. Between the ages of eight and ten, we lived in Oregon, New Mexico and landed in Utah, where my dad retired from the AF. My family continues to live there to this day, all of them living within five miles of one another and seeing each other very often. I talk with one of them at least once a day. I visit every couple of months and spend major holidays there.
The year I turned twenty-one, I got married. Two weeks after the wedding, my new husband left for Navy boot camp. A month and a half after that, I gave birth to my first child. A boy. He was about two months old when we moved to Mission Beach (near San Diego) to join his father. We didn’t live there long before we had to move to Waukegan, Illinois (just North of Chicago). We then went to Bremerton, Washington and on to San Diego. We lived there for a couple of years, where he trained to become a Navy diver and he got his first assignment in the Philippines. By the time we left, I was pregnant with our daughter. She was born in Cubi Point Naval Air Station at Subic Bay. After three years there, the Navy stint was over and we moved back to Utah. I was pregnant with number two son when we arrived. While he was still an infant, we all moved to Sacramento, while daddy was going to the police academy for the CHP. After that, it’s been pretty much Southern California living.
You have three children. Do they live near you? If not, where are they?
My oldest son lives in Utah, near my Mom and Dad. He has a beautiful daughter. She and her beautiful mother live very near them, as well. He is a brilliant (and unemployed) pianist. He goes over and takes care of the little one, while mommy goes to work. My beautiful daughter lives in the L.A. area. She’s a cocktail waitress at a cowboy bar by night, and a part-time nanny by day. My youngest son is a nanny, too. And a new daddy. He and his girlfriend live closer to San Diego. I see my oldest when I visit Utah and I see the other two when I drive to Oceanside every weekend. I am very close to my children and I talk with them almost daily. I am also very close to the mommy of my oldest granddaughter in Utah. I haven’t had the opportunity to get close to the mommy of my youngest son’s daughter, but I see her often and we have a friendly relationship.
Tell us about your relationship with the word "Fuck"
Sometimes, just no other word will do! I like the word fuck and I love to fuck. So it is a purrrrrrrrrrfect word! Meow.
Please tell us why you decided on the name Cathouse Teri... was there some thought of flipping a philosophical finger at the sensitivites of other bloggers? Is there some work experience that you want to share with us? Was it just for laughs?
My nickname is a bit of the “philosophical finger,” to be sure. It would likely turn away those that are too sensitive for some of my subject matter.
There are many reasons for the origin of the nick, but mainly I am trying to convey two things: It always costs something to be with a woman and I want it known up front that I’m a whore (and by that I mean immoral woman) so there are no unreal expectations. I always say I’d rather have you think I’m a whore and find out I’m a saint, than think I’m a saint and find out I’m a whore!
I do have a bit of a fantasy about running a cathouse. I think I’d be really good at it. I would like to have all women know how important it is to give their man a blow job. Because if she doesn’t, someone will, and it will probably be me! ;)
Yes, a man says he wants a lady in public and a whore in bed, until one day he wakes up and says, “Shit! I married a whore!”
Who is Lester?
I have no idea who Lester is! Hehehe. I just randomly came up with it to go along with the play on words. I could have said, “The Road Leslie Traveled,” but then, since I’m a woman, people would think my name is Leslie or something. I love the Frost poem, and I also love the book by M. Scott Peck, where he borrowed the line from the poem as his title. It really is the road less traveled that makes all the difference, in my opinion.
You live in Oceanside, CA., home of CAmp Pendleton. Do you encounter many Marines in your day to day life? In what way? Is most of your contact positive or negative?
No, I don’t really travel ‘round the base. I mean, I guess I see Marines from time to time, but it doesn’t phase me, as I have spent a fair amount of years around military men. (And did a fair amount of drinking with them in the Philippines!)
I have never had a negative encounter with a Marine. I did one time have to rescue one, who had haplessly wandered into a Navy Seal bar.
Also, I don't live in Oceanside anymore. But, for personal reasons, I'd rather not make it too plain where I'm living now.
Do you have any tattoos? If so, where are they?, what are they?, and why did you get what you got?
I have one tattoo (pictured). I got it last summer. It is located on my right ankle and is about 3" x 2". I chose a Maori tribal symbol, in honor of my granddaughter’s heritage. She really is a Maori tribal princess. Having children is a hard thing. Having grandchildren is harder yet. You have even less control over their well-being and the things that will influence their lives. I have written previously that being a mother is like having a steel post driven down through your body and the only way it will kill you is if it’s removed. Being a grandmother is double that. So I almost chose the symbol that means, “sorrow.” Instead, I chose “hope.” At the bottom of the symbol are her initials, “BJ.” (to which my boyfriend said, “well if anyone needs BJ tattooed on their body, it’s you!) And at the top of the tattoo is a butterfly, in honor of her mother, whom I adore.
When my youngest told me his girlfriend was pregnant, my immediate response was, “Shit! Now I have to design another tattoo!” (And he’s gonna hold me to it, too!) It was a good way to break the strain of his having to give me the news. He has never been anything but happy about his child’s birth, even though he is young and unmarried. (I’ve written about that previously, too, but hell, who has time to read all of those old entries?)
In spite of everything I say, I’d rather kiss the face of a baby than do anything else in the world. It is the children that matter.
OK....you can come back now. it's safe. (wink)
Well answered questions. You would certainly be an interesting Larry King guest if the opportunity were to ever come up.
Nice answer on the "fuck" question. ;)
Well done, Teri, well done indeed!
Oooh! Excellent answers to excellent questions.
I think I find you to be a saint. And a lot of fun.
*Teri curtsies*
Try as you might, I still see you as a Saint. Sorry...
This was fun to read. Well done! You sound like an awesome Mom/Grandma.
Teri, thank you for your lovely comment. This birthday has been nothing short of sorry and I'm glad to see it go. The one bright spot has been finding a new outlet for all my rambles and brambles...and getting beautiful support from people like yourself. I'll be reading you lots, now that I'm almost acclimated to this blahg-o-sphere.
You can thank Martha Plimpton for the wonderful turn on "blog."
Well I love Martha Plimpton!
Cheers to you, and welcome!
At long last, I am dropping in. I have wanted to check you out for a while now and, because of your "name" wasn't sure that this computer was the one on which to do it. But... I am so glad that I did!
I can relate to your love of swimming. I used to swim each morning regardless of the weather. I don't swim anymore but I walk - miles upon miles it seems. It is a time when I truly can be by myself despite being surrounded by noise and people. I think we all need that time to think or allow our minds to relax. (not to think, that is)
I love the symbolism of your tattoo. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by, Teri! I think your answers are fascinating, and oh can I relate to the military brat thing! Take care.
gunfighter is bad at math, I thought that meme was only supposed to be 5 questions?
I have a question for you, do you ever exceed the speed limit?
Exceed is a word that is so... ambiguous. How about, I obliterate the speed limit!
I mean seriously, I'm driving a sportscar... a little red convertible. (but NO ONE has nicer wheels than you do, Doozie!)
I'm not bad at math... I just had lots of questions to ask Teri.
Despite the fact that my job is ALL about rules, I only follow rules when I feel that I should.
I am certain that Teri didn't mind.
Did you mind, Teri?
Teri didn't mind a bit. In fact, I had not counted the questions. (As you see, I didn't number them.)
I love breaking rules.
Thanks, GF, for letting me be part of that!
aw!you answered the questions beautifully!i think this i sa very healthy way to find out who you really are!i wish someone would interview me.that way when i read my answers i will have an insight to who i have become over time.you rock,teri!
Loved your interview. Maybe sometime when you're in Utah you can come for a visit.
Ah, someone near me... I'm in Oside myself. I found myself here via Mrs4444 blogs - she's a great friend of mine.
Like the tat also!
So glad you "found" me... Through Dad's House, I believe. I appreciate your honest comments!
It's nice to meet you Teri. I'm Andy
wow its unusual to find someone with kiwi heritage I to am from NZ but now live in Aus also in a similar age bracket love your blog
Okay, this might be a little long...sorry. Before I came upon this interview, I remembered why I hadn't gifted you anything; I had poked around, been reading all of the posts, but could never think of anything you would need. As you said, you really do seem like someone who has everything you'd ever need.
Okay, now I'm going to comment on his interview, or rather just the first question, because that is a post in an of itself, and I loved it. I HATE water and swimming, but your calm, peaceful experience and the way you wrote about it makes me think I shouldn't write it off just yet. The bad part is that I live in Wisconsin and am such a WIMP when it comes to being cold, but especially cold and wet. Some day, though, maybe I will find myself in a warmer climate and will try this. It sounds like you couldn't have found yourself in a better place at that time in your life. I'm glad for you.
I enjoyed your answers to the very good questions. I have to admit to being slightly put off at times by your use of the F-bomb, but I like you, so I keep coming back :)
Absolutely, positively FAN DAMN TASTIC! You soooo rock!
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