Out of the Mouths of (Hot) Babes

Hi, lots to tell! Having spent the week in the DC area, a small share of it at a reception in the Senate side of the Capitol Building. The larger share with my , good friend of many years. And then adding more friends from days gone by. Much, much fun. But for now, I just want to inspire you with these words of wisdom I discovered from a fellow blogger. I just thought it would HAVE to be shared. (Susie can link it so you can visit the wondrous hotties blog world, because I'm retarded about that.) Meet Leslee, who expounds on one of the great riddles (by actually creating another one... hee hee):

Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.


Turtle Guy said...

Must remember that one! Did you also know what they call the elves at the North Pole? (This is pure literary genius...)

Subordinate Clauses.

OK, moving forward...

Gary said...

Mank you very much. I think that was pretty ind.

Gunfighter said...

Hope you had a good time in my little part of the world!

Anonymous said...

hmm...ok, here is the linkage

Leslee of Fresh Cut Flowers