... the more they fuckin stay the same!
Yesterday I changed my yahoo profile to read that I'm in a relationship and I added "If you're interested in making friends, feel free to contact me... but condescending assholes need not apply" ~ sumthin like that. Figured it MIGHT filter out some of the asinine random contacts I get. I don't mind meeting people. In fact, I like to. Even now, I'm chatting with a girlfriend from Kentucky I met online a few years ago and we've become the very BEST of girlfriends! (HI BECKA!)
Anyway, today I received two random contacts... one new one ~ a married man looking for fun. We had a short but pleasant conversation, but only after I made sure he could read and knew that I was NOT interested in the fun he's after. At the same time, I get a message from a previous dumbshit who sent me a message a year ago or so and here is how today's convo went (his nick has been changed to protect his dumbfuckness):
adamsmith: hi
adamsmith: from, usa
adamsmith: i m adam amale
teri: hello...
teri: have we chatted before?
adamsmith: i think yes
teri: I think so too
adamsmith: i am adam and you ?
teri: I think I didn't really like chatting with you before... and I doubt I'll like it now
adamsmith: thanks
adamsmith: your asl please
teri: okay.. that's enough... now fuck off
Honestly, no wonder I have to write a book.
I can't make this shit up!
This cathouse
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