This post has nothing to do with that title. I just wanted to say that. Because... well... He's not! :)
You know what I hate? I hate comments by anony-mouses. I mean, talk about fuckin chicken shit! Get a damn name for your damn comment. When I come across those mousey comments, I don't even read them because if you can't claim your own words, I don't have any interest in them. Even if you are in the witness protection program you can have a fake blogger name! Sheesh! So if you want to be a mousey anony person, then just keep the cloak on and hang around with Murky and Lurky.
There, I said it.
Also, Part Deux of the world of gentle mans, I have a story to tell. (No doubt this shocks you.)
When my youngest was a newborn, I had occasion to ride a bus from Ogden, Utah to Santa Ana, California. My parents were living there and I was going to surprise Mom by showing up to ride with her on the trip back to Utah (they were moving back, God knows why... oh and by the way... God is not mocked). Dad would be leading the convoy of two with the moving truck.
I was not about to leave that baby, so I took him with me. (No, not because I nursed him. I never nursed a baby in my life and I never will. THESE beauties shall not be used for that!) There were several young men from the nearby Job Corps on the bus, too. They were lively things, as you can imagine. Good natured. They didn't pester me or anything. In fact no one did. It was a fine bus ride, me and my baby. (By the way, I can count on one hand the number of times I've taken a bus in my life, so this was no small matter!)
About the time we hit Vegas, a conflict began. There was a snarly old fella on the bus who decided he wanted a smoke. One of the JC boys piped in (hehe.. piped in) and advised him that there was no smoking on the bus, and besides, there was a young baby on board and it was just not appropriate. He was very polite in his approach. The man replied, "Who's gonna stop me?" JC said, "Well I'll tell the bus driver." and the guy said, "No you won't because I'm gonna kick your ass." Then the fight started. But you know what was so cute? One of the JC boys rushed over to my seat and shielded my baby and me with his body so that no stray punch could bring us harm.
Anyway, the bus driver wound up throwing them all off the bus, which I though was hardly fair. However, he did have a job to do and he didn't have time to sort out "who started it," like a playground guard.
But those JC boys impressed me that day. They saved me and my little baby. They were my heroes.
This cathouse
By Diesel
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