I heard a song the other day while I was at the store. A country song. You know, you're just going along, minding your own business. Shopping. Relaxing. In no hurry. Then the lyrics intrude on your reverie. The words. Faintly heard. I've really no idea the name of the song. I only remember hearing something about a man who cheated and he has a woman who is good enough to give him another chance. Aw.. how sweet. He appreciates his woman. Hey wait a minute? What? You mean to tell me that letting a cheating asshole stay around is called being a good woman? And if you tell him to fuck off, then you're a bad woman? Well then give me the crimson letter and give me plenty, because I'm gonna sew them on each and every piece of clothing I have. I am a bad, bad woman!
Oh wait. Everyone already knew that.
This cathouse
By Diesel
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