What is it? Wow. Age old question with answers that only make more questions. I got a tingling idea of what it means the other night while listening to a song. A song from the movie soundtrack "De Lovely." Love For Sale. Now, everyone who knows me has heard me preach about the cost of being with a woman. That's largely why I chose the name, "cathouse." And why my starstruck girlfriend was playing the song for me.
Well in one line of the song she tells about all the kinds of love she's experienced. As she listed them, I could relate. In fact, I'm a fucking expert on the subject of love! (As well as the subject of fucking!) She sings, "If you want the thrill of love, I've been through the mill of love; Old love, new love," and then she says, "Every love but true love."
Hmmm... I began to think of all the loves I've experienced. I mean romantic love, of course. It's unfortunate that we can't be like the greeks and have an entirely different word for the love we have between lovers, and the love we have for our cars or our steak dinners! (btw, the love I have for my miata is true love, hee hee)
Anyway, I realized that among all the intense, passionate, heartfelt loves I've had in my heart, they were all dependent on lasting "forever" in order to validate them. And once "forever" ended, then the love was negated and became untrue.
In my current relationship with a man, I believe there is true love. A kind of love I've never experienced. A love that is real and true and solid and holds no promises. A love that is not carried along by that untruish word, "romance." We don't talk about tomorrow. We don't tell one another that we couldn't live another day without the other. Our time together is just true. And I like that.
This cathouse
By Diesel
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