This is my son, Jake. He is a very special person. He is attuned to the world in an intense way. I wish that everyone could comprehend his specialness. But that is the way of specialnesses, right? It’s hard to understand BECAUSE it’s special. He's also the daddy of the swinging princess in the picture down below.
I love this picture of him, because it expresses so much of his capacity to feel. In it, he seems both desperate and hopeful. It’s a hard job feeling all the feelings of the world.
And if you could hear him play Clare de Lune on the piano, it would bring you to tears. My favorite is always Canon in D, though. I swear, in my darkest days, if he played that for me it would fill my soul.
If music be the food of love, play on!
Anyway, I’m sad today. And I feel like that picture of Jake.
Recently, I met a friend of my son (the other son). A very nice young man. Brady will soon be working with him. I met him when I was down south a week and a half ago. While we were talking, he started telling me about his mom and what she does. His eyes shined so brightly while talking about her. “She sells jewelry,” he said. And then he showed me some of her pieces. He got her on the phone to check to see if he could sell me certain pieces or if she could order one I wanted that wasn’t displayed. It just struck me how much he admired his mother and what she does.
And then Brady tells me today that she died in a car accident over the weekend.
Let the tears fall.
Oh, sweetie! I am SO sorry for that young man and his family and for you. Let the tears fall, indeed.
LOVE the pic o your son, and i* I was not married, I would ask u to hook me up;)
that is terriable about the car accident...I guess u never know when its your time to go..so very sad..
My, my, I didn't know that you were that deep.
The thing is, anything can happen so tell others now that you love them.
I love you, and don't you dare take that out of context, it's a spiritual thing.
There is a difference between spiritual and human love. Not that I don't like some of your human side. :-)
Sorry about the loss, but we may be next, that is the way of it. After the tears life goes on. Hugs.
oh - that is very sad - poor boy.
Cry sweetie. Tears are more than deserved in this case. Then go and hug your loved ones and rejoice that you can!
oh, I'm so sorry for your son's friend and his family. Hug your son and loved ones. Grieve. Listen to the Canon in D. I'm sending hugs and care your way...
Wow. So sad to hear.
Thanks to all of you. I can't very well hug anyone, because none of them lives near me. However, when we are together, we hug often. And we say, "I love you," often. I believe this boy and his family did, too.
But I certainly will hug him when I see him again. :(
Oh, this is sad. I hope that this young man was able to show his love to his mom (and feel her love for him)
I'm sure he did. And, at some point, that will be a healthy consolation.
But I know this would just kill my children.
I can't even imagine.
There are no words. My heart goes out to you and Brady.
My heart hurts, this is so sad.
My prayers are with them..
This is one of those times when I want to have a serious talk with my Father.
Oh, darling Teri.
What a shock and what a loss. For this boy and everyone.
I am blown away.
What a time to discover your blog. Teri, Brady, my heart goes out to ya!
Oh, that's SO sad. But how lucky they both were to have had each other and had such a loving and wonderful relationship.
Wonderful picture of your son, too.
That poor boy...indescribable pain.
Have to go hug my children RIGHT NOW.
I'm happy to bid August adieu. So many tears. To mothers and sons, to daughters and fathers and all those we love. It's never the wrong time to say "I love you, and I'm always glad to see you and I wanted you to know." Because we never know who'll be on the bridge when it falls.
Thanks so much to all of you.
I know that death is part of life.
And life is part of death.
And it is always a hope that we are sharing how much we care every day.
Hon, I know that you can’t appreciate these words right now, but you will in the future.
Sympathy is a word in the dictionary between sex and syphilis. LOL
Oh my. I am so terribly sorry for that young man. Speechless. Tears have fallen.
Oh sure, just when I think I can cry no more--this did it! It's amazing how little it takes to create a bond between people.
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