I adore them both.
Graci is the sweetest and most darling girl. She’s got a feisty temper, but when she cries it will melt your heart. She is always someone I can count on coming by to see me when I fly home for a visit. She is often there waiting at my parents house. No matter how late my flight comes in.
Once, when I answered the door, she was just crying her little heart out. She grabbed me and hugged me so tight, her body shaking from the weeping. She was dating a guy who, at one point, said he wanted to date other people. Which is fine. I mean they are young. (Graci is 22.) But the dumbshit doesn’t really know what that means. She had asked him if he wanted to hang out and do something that night and he said he had a date! A date! I just don’t get it. When you are dating other people, you don’t TELL them you can’t see them because you have a date with someone else! I know you guys are cute, but no one is THAT cute! It’s important to be sensitive. I don’t mean you have to lie. You can just say you have plans. You are busy. Whatever. But… I have a date???!!
So I took her shopping. Yeah, that’s what aunties do when their nieces are sad. Well this auntie takes you to the sex shop to buy something sexy. We picked out a few things and she went to try them on. At one point, I brought her out to the sales clerk and I said, “Look at this! Can you believe that the guy she’s dating said he can’t see her tonight because he has a date with someone else!” He said, “Who the hell does he have a date with… a supermodel?” I bought her the outfit. And I got her some really great high-heeled fuck-me shoes to go with it! I put one condition on the outfit. HE was never allowed to see it. She could show it off to any man in the world, except that one.

At any rate, Graci doesn’t just cry all the time. She’s vivacious and fun. She enters the room like a whirlwind. She’s impossible to ignore. And she has the greatest taste in clothes. Always unique and personalized... and she wears fun stuff like this:

Graci is now a very hard working, early rising girl who makes pastries at a bakery. I love going in to see her and she always gives me very special attention and something yummy to eat. She’s my little darling and I adore her!
I’ve always referred to Graci and my daughter as “the twins.” They are so much alike. It is their fault that I love Spongebob Squarepants. People had told me to watch the show and I tried. I just didn’t think it was funny. But one day, Erin and Graci started acting out scenarios between Spongebob and Patrick. Oh. My. God. I could have died laughing! And now when I watch the show, I think I actually think it’s THEM acting the parts! (But I don’t like Sandy… the Squirrel on the show. She bugs me. Wonder who could play her part and make me like it.) Erin and Graci are so much fun just to watch interact. I used to joke that we need to create a sitcom called “The Erin and Graci Show.”

So… this summer, Graci may be moving to Los Angeles to live with Erin. This would be so good for her. She does not belong in the middle (or the top, as we call it) of Utah. Not at all. She’s a California girl. That’s all there is to it. As homesick as she was, she had loved living in San Francisco and I know she’d love L.A. Plus, she and Erin would have so much fun! The twins, back together again! So if you see these girls in your wanderings, you’d just better get outta the way! Cause they haul ass to have fun! They love life and they are living every minute of it! Or, if you can keep up, you can join the parade!

Wow no missing the family resemblance between Graci and her mom.
Actually, that picture of Graci could BE a picture of her mom at her age.
Graci has nice titties.
Ratty wants to die again?
I love these pieces on your family, Teri. I think I needed your family growing up. Absolutely. ;-)
Can I be one of your nieces? Then you could write gorgeous family posts about me, too. And take me shopping at the sex shop and buy me some sexy stuff and fuck-me-shoes when I'm feeling down.
Jen of Blah Blah: I know! I am so lucky! I'll be posting more in the future. :)
Jami: Of course you can be my niece! Let's go to the sex shop!
Now that you mention it, I AM feeling a little depressed. I'll meet you in the car. I hope they have something in red; I look good in red.
hey there! :)
No, I don't mind people being strong debaters.. I always get the 'complaint' that I am one myself.. people always seem to take the words that I write just a little more fierce than I actually imagined them to be.. *lol*
Actually, your comments were the ones that were actually worth replying to. You know, sensible and with arguments and stuff.. I like that..
I just can't stand how other people (see, not you) just start with cusswords and *assuming* things about me.. you know, generalising, like alllll christians are of one breed.. It's a no-win game.. I don't like getting the blame for eeeeverything that aaaaany christian in history has done wrong.. god, I hate that.. ;)
But thanks for leaving a comment on my page, I appreciate that!
Greetings from holland!
Jami: See you in the car! Surely they will have something in red.
Linda: Thanks for stopping by! And it's always nice to have greetings from Holland! :)
Being an auntie is so awesome. However, if I took my niece to a sex shop. Oh dear. Oooohhhhh, dear. I think you'd have to take me to one first, that's the first thing. Sheesh. Jami, I'll give you shotgun, that's a given, but can I tag along in the backseat?
I've got a lot to learn.
Fine by me, but Teri's driving. (Teri ALWAYS drives!) I think we'd all look good in red.
My girlfriend and I try to be at least a little tipsy when we go to the sex shop. That way, everything in it doesn't seem all perverted! ;)
*Teri passes out drinks to Purrty Jami and the good Z Doctor*
(I love it when Jami lets me DRIVE.)
* Jami sips demurely on glass of red wine. It's her second. *
Jami... we do know how to sip our drinks, don't we, babe?
Of course we sip. We're fuckin' ladies!
No shit! We totally are!
Any aunt that takes her neice shopping when a jerk off says he has a date with someone else is someone I think I should know!
and love
and worship
I love that last photo the best; they look like a really fun, sweet bunch.
I think you cannot underestimate the unconditional love that comes from aunts, uncles, and especially cousins. I tell my kids that they need to marry people from big families so that their kids will have more than one aunt or uncle and cousins! (Lord knows I aint' having any more kids!
Beautiful story! What 22-year-old with a crummy boyfriend doesn't need an aunt like you? The world needs more of you!
What's the going rate for trading in one teenage son? Can I get an extra niece for that? I dasn't need another cousin ... but I jest. Sort of. Pass the bottle back here. I need another swig. It's gonna be a bumpy night.
Lovely post and Graci is beautiful, inside and out.
A beautiful family tail...uh tale.
I would like to note that I am any man and I will not get out of their way I'll just let them mow me down and die a happy man.
Clearly gorgeous women run in your family :)
Sigh. One day I too will be posting pics of my nieces all grown up. But at least all know I'll be able to be as cool as you!
I see the resemblence too. Hottness runs in the teri family.
Insane Mama: Well I'm happy to be known by you. You may start loving and worshipping any time. :)
Mrs 4444: Our family isn't really that big. Four girls. We have eight kids among us. They have three kids among them (and those are all mine!) But it's a handful! I dunno if we want to marry into big families, because this is a LOT! Hee hee.
Anno: I'm trying to spread me around as much as I can! (that was a weird statement)
Dr Z: Yeah. Boys come with a whole different set of trials. Hope you don't have a hangover!
Eebie: Yes, she is. Thank you.
Trukin: Tail... ha! You're getting better. A little more subtle with your slobbering! ;)
Ms Bee: Ya, you have a little bit of a wait before you take those little gals to sex shops!
Mello Yello: Aw... so swweet. As always.
Man, you sure have one gorgeous family... all over the place. I bet a lot of heads turn when those two walk by!
Furry: Yeah, girls like that keep chiropractors in business!
DANG! I'm not hot for beaver, but that lingerie shot makes me rethink my sexuality. ;)
She's a lovely girl. And YOU'RE a dream-auntie!!! I wanna be like YOU as MY nieces get older.
Ummm Teri...don't show sexy pictures of your relatives who are young enough to be my daughter. Makes it hard for me to make any comment that doesn't reveal that I'm a perv.
Melain and Mr. Not: Just count yourselves lucky I didn't show the "other" shot of her!
Good luck to Graci!
Once from Cali, always from Cali.
You have a pretty family :-)
sexiness is everywhere in your world!
her bf is an I-D-I-O-T!
I'll mail u my digits!
great looking bunch.
until I read I thought the botom pic was 3 chicks.
have a groovy weekend!
They look like they are having so much fun! I hope that she does move and that they enjoy themselves completely!
The threesome pic is great! (I mean the three smiling faces) ANd I'm afraid to comment on the fuck-me heels and lingerie for fear of being called a dirty old man... (I guess I played my cards on that one)
Ranting: This is true. Although she's never lived in Cali except during that short time. I just think she belongs there. :)
CM: Thanks. We like us, too!
SS: Yeah, he's just a little cutie pie.
TE: I hope so, too! So much.
Dad: You dirty old man! Hee hee.
Ah... to be 20 something again...but only if I knoe what I know now.
Well that wouldn't be like being twenty then, would it, VE?
lovely woman all.
they must be related to you.
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