Just Bein' Pretty (And Dirty)

Yes, it's a terrible thing when a girl like me starts thinking. In fact, it should be against the law. So enough of that!

I'm sitting in bed eating crackers. I have a feeling I will regret it. No matter how careful you are SOME crumbs get under those god damned covers! You could go around and seal them tight enough to bounce a coin off of them. As soon as you sit on top with a handful of crackers, the crumbs start crawling off the plate and searching for the smallest little opening to sneak through. Then, when sleeping that night, your entire bed could be crumb free ~ but if you roll over onto one or two of those microscopic things that sneaked in, it will suddenly be impossible to sleep! The princess and the pea? Pah! The queen and the crumb, I tell ya! ONE little crumb can make for a sleepless night! And just brushing the sheets off won't do. Even undoing the bed and shaking every article before making the bed doesn't work, either. They have GOT to be washed all over again. It's the only remedy.

So, why then, am I eating crackers in bed? I think I mentioned that my bed is the only piece of furniture in the house, because I insisted on spending a ridiculous amount of money on it.

The floor then? Are you kidding? I only sit on the floor when there is company over for dinner and we serve in the empty living room! Sheesh! Do you know nothing of etiquette?

So I was thinking about conservation. Honestly, this word and me have pretty much nothing to do with one another. We are not even acquainted, let alone friends~

I read a quote by Cameron Diaz (yes, her again!) in which she is responding to the question of what contribution she makes toward conservation. She says, "I turn off the water when I'm shaving my legs."

I'm with Cam!

And here's a little chuckle for ya:


Jami said...

If I shut the water off when I shave my legs, I'd get cold because I do it in the shower. And I'm with ya on using the bed as the primary piece of furniture. If you have some chairs, you can even use the bed as a dining room table. And crackers? Pah! If there's a crumb in my bed smaller than a golf ball, I'll sleep on it. I'm not picky.

cathouse teri said...

Well I must admit, I have never been kicked out of bed for eating crackers!

McBunni said...

Thanks for the visit!

No, I'm not skinny. ...and I decided to not do the triathlon. If it was further away, I would. But I don't realistically have three hours EVERY day to train for one in two months! :)

Jami said...

I've never been kicked out of bed for eating anything!

cathouse teri said...

Hi McB! Nice to see you! Well you get started training now... then when the next one comes up, you'll be ready and already feelin' great!

Jammie: Touche! Hmmm... yeah, I dunno how to put the accent on my frenchie word. C'est la vie!

BBC said...



I don't eat anything in bed.


That really wasn't eating, just licking. :-)

Hey hon, thanks for trying to saving water and this world. Hugs.

anno said...

A great bed is a joy forever: an entertainment center, reading room, and a perfectly acceptable dining area. Go ahead -- eat crackers!

The Exception said...

Ah... bed... I wish I was in mine right now!

Honestly, given the news from the White House today, I thought you might continue your political theme! ;)

Shanshu said...

First time to your blog....had to comment on the pic because it made me snort at work and I thought that deserved a comment.


ZoeyBella said...

That is some pretty funny stuff.... hehe... dirty...

Jenn said...

I hate crackery beds.

I saw that written on a truck about a month ago (not in the UK) and off to the side it said, "SHE IS!!"


robkroese said...

The only furniture you have? Really?

BTW, that guy's wife is that dirty, he just doesn't know it.

Anonymous said...

eating in bed....is a casserole bad?

conservation includes cutting down by one square of TP when you wipe.

I'm thoroughly grossed out right now and I bet you can't guess why

The Lazy Iguana said...

If you are only going to have one piece of furniture in your house, a bed is a good choice. Guests can just bring their own lawn chair. Or you can just get one of those

Jenn in Holland said...

You certainly wouldn't be kicked out of my bed for eating crackers! Really, no one is. And it just doesn't stop at crackers. There are candy bar wrappers, popcorn kernels, cheese...
it seems that he whole fam likes my bed as much as I do.

Dr Z said...

Crackers in bed? No problem. I do draw the line at soup, though. It tends to run back toward the pillow and pool at the back of my neck. As for crumbs, I just hoist one of my handy-dandy pugs up on the bed and let them vacuum for me. Never will they leave even a microscopic crumb of anything remotely edible behind.

Adventures In Waitressing said...

Never been kicked out of bed.. kicked others out though LOL

Hate crumbs in my bed as well.

Ms. Annie D said...

Food in bed?

Absolutely. I do it all the time. Bed is such a wonderful place to be - I want to enjoy everything possible there.

Anyway, isn't that why bed trays and strawberry-flavored body oils were invented?