There is a story told in folklore, set in Alaska. It is of a man who went fishing one day. He chose to fish in a secluded little cove which didn’t seem to be too often visited by other local fishermen. In fact, they never visited it. For they all knew the story. The story of a girl who fell in love with a boy from a tribe other than her own… many, many, many moons ago. And not just another tribe, but one at odds with hers. Her father forbade them to marry, but she snuck off in secret to do that very thing. Her father apprehended her in the midst of her escape and he took her and threw her off the cliff into that secluded little cove, to her death. The people had passed this story down through the generations, and no fisherman was to ever draw life from that water, as it was thought to be full of the evil of that terrible event. This poor fisherman knew it not. He didn’t have his line in the water long when he felt a great tug. Oh my! This had to be a big one! As he fought with the creature to bring it to the surface, his mind wandered to all the great riches this great catch would bring him. He had struggled for so many long and weary years. It would be great to have some relief. But as the creature came into view, he realized it was not a fish at all… it was a mass of bones and hair… and a skull! And it seemed the eyes of that skull were looking right at him! He panicked. He set his pole down in the boat and immediately rowed to shore, looking back to be sure that the monster was gone. But it wasn’t, as it was still attached to his pole! But, as it is with panic, he didn’t realize this. He just frantically rowed to shore, seeing behind him the dreaded thing bouncing on the water, appearing to chase him. Once on shore, he grabbed his pole and ran for home… again, looking over his shoulder to find that he was still being chased! He dove into the darkness of the little cave he called home and sat there panting, hoping the ordeal was over. He lit a candle and in the dim light, saw that the thing he had hooked was amassed in a pile in the corner. The soft light softened his fears and he approached and began to untangle the mess. He realized these were the bones of a woman and, after untangling her, he wrapped her in a warm fur and went to lie down on his bed to sleep. During his sleep, a tear escaped from his eye. She approached him and drank up the tear, drawing some life from it. She then put her hand on his chest and began singing a song to the beat of his heart. As she sang, all of her sinews and flesh and skin began to recover her body. And when she and the song were complete, she crawled under the covers and she and the man warmed one another. They warmed one another heart and body and soul for the rest of their lives.
(Anyone care to try to interpret that one?)
This cathouse
By Diesel
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Yes, it's a myth hon.
But that doesn't make it true.
Huh?? So is that the same guy that she was planning to marry when her Pops killed her or just another random fisherman?
I think it means that good things come to you from the most unexpected places. At least, that's the optimist in me chooses to belief.
it's fairly creepy.
I think it means that you should not run away from what scares you because it could turn out to be what you needed all along
Bingo! ba doozie is right (although there is more to it...) and vixen certainly was right on the mark with one basic aspect...
bbc, you get zero... in fact maybe MINUS zero... for THAT. Just because it's not true (but thanks for the condescending way in pointing out the obvious) doesn't mean it doesn't say something that is true. You should have MAYBE said, "It's a myth (leave off the snotty little hon) but that doesn't make it untrue."
I'm not smart enough to get anything out of that.
I get it. I think ba doozie summed it up well, but I think there is also something to say about the idea that we hook our own troubles and then drag them around.
We should stop, look and investigate sometimes before we just drag the baggage from here to there. Maybe the fisherman would have had companionship right at the river if he had looked closely then, instead of panicking and trying to "Make it all go away" by running away.
Having a real look at what troubles you and taking the time to wrap the worries carefully as it were, just may turn them into something different, and rather than being something overwhelming or frightening it can become something which teaches you and helps you to grow.
That is my take anyway.
In addition to the moral of facing your fears instead of running from them, I think this story also shows that peace and contentment come when you care for others instead of fearing them.
I think it means you shouldn't be afraid to sleep with that freaky skank who follows you home from the bar.
LMAO at Diesal. If we go with the possible fact that the olde fisherman was her old lover. Then another moral to the story would be that Love Conquers All. Just a possibility... but I like the other suggestions more.
That the care and respect one gives to another, regardless of outward appearances, is rewarded.
Just a suggestion, but I was reaching for straws and everyone else took my original conclusions.
Love conquers all, once fear is overcome.
That's my little take. But what do I know?
Thanks for all the great responses! I liked them.
My next post will give an indepth explanation.
Miao :)
what is your newer post?! i need an explanation lol x
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