My OMG-LOL-BFF (she'll get a kick outta that) bought these shoes for me. We have matching pairs, but we don't wear them at the same time. (Of course it helps that we each live on different coasts!) Recently, we had occasion to spend a little time at a reception at the Capitol Building. You know THE Capitol Building. I was wearing some other shoes that my OMG-LOL-BFF had purchased for me to wear for that event. Very nice shoes. Quite comfortable. But also five-inch heels. After five hours on my feet, I was near fainting. I asked another attendee (a darling English woman) for directions to the ladies bathroom. She said, "Go down these stairs and... blah blah blah blah blah." I didn't hear the rest. All I heard was STAIRS. I said, "Oh, I won't make it if I have to take that many steps in these shoes." She said, "Well take them off." So I did. Before I walked away she added, "And next time, wear sensible, flat shoes. Men don't even see your shoes. They look at your eyes and your boobs!"
Too cute.
She is right. It does not matter what kind of shoes you have. UNLESS you want to draw attention to your legs.
I took some actions for my site to load faster. I need a spy report.
I can't do heels really. I just don't have enough practice.
The Mommy uniform I wear of jeans and t-shirts looks best with flip-flops anyway.
Holy crap, woman, how do you even walk in those shoes?? I am in awe.
The eyes and boobs thing is so true though. Actually, when I read your title, I mentally yelled "BOOBIES!" before I read your post. :)
The eyes. Definitely, the eyes.
The shoes? Naww...
Men do not see a woman's shoes unless there's nothing else to look at or unless she's wearing them as earrings ... that hang down in front of her boobs.
(I like those, BTW. They're kinda clunky cute.)
Ha ha. Funny responses.
Well, again, I don't wear them for men to look at. I wear them because I like them. They add to the "thing" I'm creating. When I wear an outfit, I choose it for the whole flow of the look. I wear low-cut tops, too. But not because I want to draw attention to my boobs. (They would not require that - attention is drawn to them even in a turtle neck! turtle turtle turtle.) But because I have a short neck and the artistic lines that form the outfit look just AWFUL in certain necklines.
I can put on an outfit, though, that looks fantastic, but with the wrong shoes, the image is shattered. So, while men (and women) may not look AT shoes, per se, believe me when I say that they do look at the whole package and decide whether it is pleasing to the eye or not. And then they wander to the little (or big) individual things.
P.S. I also believe lovely and fitting undergarments are important foundations for the look. I have no idea why women skimp on their underclothes. I guess they figure no one sees them anyway. But they can totally break the fit of a great outfit.
Right on about the under things - and they add that sense of self that pulls the whole thing together. I don't dress for men or for women, but out of a desire to be me - even though that isn't always the "right" look. I just am who I am. And I enjoy a great pair of shoes for the finishing touch - so to speak.
If I dressed for me, I would wear a bikini all the time (not happening) and if I dressed for women, I would be broke as here it is all about labels.
Yes, guys only look at your boobs.
But those shoes are CTUE!!!!!!!!!!
...maybe if you were JUST wearing those shoes a guy would notice! :)
Kitty E: Yeah, one can go broke trying to keep up with the fucking fashion trends. :)
Bunni-Kitti: Oh believe me, hun, they notice! Shoes or no shoes!
When I was younger, I used to think it was funny when "older" women complained about their *dogs* hurting after an evening spent out in high heels.
NOW I get what they were talkin' about.
That's why I tend to save the high heels for evenings spent at home, when walking far isn't necessary ;-)
so true...they really don't look at your feet unless they have a weird foot fetish. I would break every bone in my body wearing those things
Shoes? What shoes? I was busy looking at the low neckline on your profile pic...
Shoot, I dress for no one, mostly I wear old clothes that most others would consider rags. But I love old clothes. Really, I wear them until I have to toss them.
I only 'dress up' when I go out, or when I do a wedding, things like. that.
And my favorite footwear is sandals. I'll bet I don't spend fifty bucks a year on clothes and that is mostly for new undies and socks.
Hell, clothes keep flowing to me, I bet I have enough to last the rest of my life. I have new clothes that I have never worn.
Umm, yeah, I do like to look at boobs, I'm a guy, but I value the complete package more than just the boobs.
It's the brain and spirituality that is more important to me. That brain that can dance with me as if we are one spirit.
Have a nice evening, hugs.
PS, the shoes look like they have nice sturdy heels and if you like them and think they make you look sexier or whatever it is that you are looking for, there you go.
Some man somewhere will think you look great in them, I'm sure I would.
Not so.
Men look at your shoes... at least I do. If you are wearing platforms, you get an immediate S as a grade... S standing for "stripper"
Oh, and eyes? We only care if you have eyes if you are looking at us.
We do look at more than boobs you know, but you usually don't notice, because we are looking at your asses too.
Shallow GF
GF, did you just call me a stripper?
I love shoes.. I am a total Shoe Whore. And those are Gorgeous!!! But five hours in them would kill me too.
Keep on rockin what you wear.
I love shoes.. I am a total Shoe Whore. And those are Gorgeous!!! But five hours in them would kill me too.
Keep on rockin what you wear.
i dont know,man.it has happened to me more than once that men admire the shoes i'm wearing or maybe the way my legs look when im wearing those shoes and want to spread me legs then and there.
(Sent over by Jenn in holland, I'm her friend Becca). Couldn't resist telling you about a favorite joke among some of my redneck Texas buds. They go over to a gal who is showing a bit of cleavage, stand next to her and look down commenting "Nice shoes!" And you wonder what they are looking at...?
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