And I'm running around looking for pieces of April.
So you know when you're lying there, sort of drifting in and out of consciousness, getting ready to fall asleep ~ and random thoughts just pop into your head? Here's the one I had: Why do people refrigerate onions? That just don't make no sense to me!
Continued randomosity:
I heard a line of dialogue in a movie once. I'll see if I can excerpt it for you. Dammit. That's proving to be more trouble than it's worth. Okay, lemme sum up.
Girl asks guy, "Why do you live out of your car? Why don't you just get an apartment or something?" He says (in effect), "Well, I have a key to my car, and if I get an apartment, I'll have another key. And then I'll have to have a job to pay for the apartment, so I'll get another key for work. Then they might give me different keys for varying responsibilities. And I might have a key for storage, because ultimately you do acquire things that may or may not fit into your apartment. And on and on it goes ... but I really like just having the one key."
I can relate. I want to have just one key.
Another favorite movie line:
"I want to stay here only marginally more than I want to die trying to escape."
This cathouse
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That was for Doozie. She thinks I've been getting too serious. She's right.
Also, I forgot to say fuck so...
Oh yeah, and I discovered that people who have twenty or thirty or forty plus comments at their posts are responsible for a good half of them, and then there are repeats because conversations are being held there!
So, if you comment here, you'd damn well fucking better come back and see how I respond to it because I want some of that fucking action!
(There... enough fuck?)
I always do come back... One can never get too much Cathouse Teri! :)
And no... never enough fuck either. :P
Enough with the "fuck" Teri, you're turning me on!
(I like the random post.)
Besides the fact that you commented on your own post twice before anyone else got to.
Life with just one key - how marvelously uncomplicated!
I just love the random thought posts too! Good stuff
Kitty Teri: You talk too much.
Kitty Bella: Yes, there's always more of me to enjoy! And more fucking!
GunToter: I am sorry you got all turned on. Wait! No, I'm not! Fuck!
Kitty Des: Yes, I know. I've heard that I talk too much. :)
Mommy Kitty: *sigh* alas, the one key life eludes me.
At present I have five keys. One to my place here, one to the room I rent in So Cal, one to my CAR (gotta have that one), one to the office and one to the locking file drawer.
I want to know about everyone's keys!
On my keychain, I have four keys. And I love them all. Giving up any one of them would be painful.
The first one is to our "old" house--the one we're trying to sell. Okay, true, I'm ready to dump that key, but hopefully replace it with a new shiny key very soon.
Two of the keys are to our cars--the minivan that I usually drive and the sedan that hubby normally takes.
The fourth key is to my mom and dad's house. They live about half an hour away, though they're rarely there. They travel way too much! But I love having a key to their place.
And I'm living with my in-laws right now (yep. I drive a minivan and I live with my in-laws. You SO want to be me, I can tell!) but their house is accessible with a "code" so no key is necessary...
And yeah, this was a random post. Good for you. And yes, you are the key contributer to the comments here. hahahaha. I expect three or four more comments out of you here before the day is through.
Indeed. :)
Well you peeps go check out your commentage and see who the key contributor is!
And a key contributor by any other name...
Love the post.. you totally crack me up.. as for saying fuck.. well I once had a friend who worked in a stable, the owner said if he said fuck one more time he was fired. His response was "Fuck, Fuck, Fuckity fuck fuck!"
So there is a tagline for ya if you want. LOL
BTW.. this is my other screen name.. you know me more by Adventures In Waitressing
HUGS have a great day and thanks for the smile
I want YOUR key.
What I want to know is:
Are there brownie points
for out-commenting you?
Because if so, I have now become the Key Contributor.
And I didn't even have to use that dastardly word...
And holy crap, am I annoying enough yet?
Yes! But not for out-fucking me!
I am going to boost your comments to at least 20
And you are going to ADORE me for it!
(I accept paypal...)
*Teri gives her key to Mr Write Now and waits in her boudoir for him to arrive with a huge..................... bouquet of roses!*
Thank GOODNESS you turned off your word verification thingy, because we all know how long this would have taken me if you hadn't!!!
And now, dearest Teri, I am done. Phew! I think I'll write a post on my blog about comments...
So, the waitress is also a queen?
That's cool. I'm a lot of things, too. Including a queen. Which is entirely different from being a princess! Right, kitty waitress?
And I'm assuming your friend was fired, eh?
Kitty Brillig ~ meow.
Okay, I thought I was done, but then I read your reply to Mr Write Now and died laughing... just had to let you know. Holy crap, I'm really done now.
All of this f***ing going on, and I am sitting here all sweaty from my workout... at 6 A.M.
Brillig is a showoff
I'm left handed.... how is that for random?
There are thirteen keys on my keyring.
They open many things, like:
My car...
My wife's car...
My office...
My classroom...
My ammo storage area...
The two housekeys...
...and a few places that I can't really tell you about.
"fuck" isn't a dastardly word... it's just a collection of letters.
It is a word that I refrain from using around an eight year old, though.
Enough for now... I have to write... but, I'll be watching this f***ing space.
Kitty Waitress.. I like that.. maybe I should change my name to that and mearge my blogs LOL
As for keys, I had four now down to two.. one for my apartment one for my mailbox.. the two for the car... at my dad's where I told him to take the POS he bought me and park it there LOL
Off to read you latest entry HUGS
I'm getting a new tat soon!
Kitty Waitress: I can't imagine having to manage and be creative at TWO blogs!
GunToter: Cool! What and where?
wow, look at you. inflation of your own comments, good for you. I saw that movie about the keys, but I don't remember which one it was.
life is all about keys. hidden keys and too many keys. lets make up an essay on it, and win some money.
aren't you lucky to be loved by the gunfighter so much!
can we hit 50 comments?
my left leg is numb
my index finger om my left hand hurts for no reason
there is nothing to fear but lack of fear
Doozie, you're such a doll! :)
The movie was called, "Sex, Lies and Videotape," with James Spader and Andie McDowell starring in that scene.
Everybody is getting into the fucking act, now!
So, I just have to comment now, if only so I can make it MORE than 50 just because I stopped to say something.
And after reading the 50 hilarious comments I cannot remember what the random post was about.
But no matter, I have said my piece and you know that I was here.
I will not be outdone.
Not by you, Ba Doozie,
and not even by the mighty Gunfighter.
so neener
Oh for fuck's sake!
Lay down...
a challenge...
To me!
Wiseass from Utah!
or is it "Utar"?
This is just weird to see so many comments. Even knowing they are essentially created by only a handful of people! :)
i missed
the action!
and i miss ba doozie!booohooooooooooo!
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